
Key Laboratory of Electronic Information Countermeasure and Simulation Technology, Ministry of Education






    6月19日上午,李菁副教授在北校区图书馆西裙楼三楼报告厅作了题为“Satellite and deep space communications: From Signal Processing to Networks”的学术报告。报告会由电子信息攻防对抗与仿真技术教育部重点实验室主任李鹏教授主持,相关研究领域的教师及学生参加了报告会。


    李菁简介:李菁(Tiffany),美国德克萨斯州A&M大学博士,现任美国里海大学电气与计算机工程学院副教授。李菁副教授的研究方向包括信道与网络编码,分布式算法和无线网络技术,数据中心与云存储,以及量子编码。她最近的研究项目是在编码和分布式算法领域,包括继电器网络,存储器系统和光通信。她曾担任IEEE会报无线通信领域的编辑,IEEE电子期刊导览和调查的副编辑;曾在国际会议上,包括在2006年的GLOBECOM会议上,2008年的ICC会议上,作为研讨会的联合主席任职过六次;她是2001年Ethel Ashworth-Tsutsui Memorial奖的获得者,2012年N.A.S.A. Glenn系的研究员,2012-2013 IEEE著名的学者。
    Tiffany Li received the B.S. degree in computer science from  Peking (Beijing) University, China, and the master's and Ph.D. degree  in electrical engineering from Texas A&M University, USA. Right after obtaining her Ph.D. degree, she joined the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Lehigh University as an assistant professor
and was promoted to associate professor in 2008. She also worked as a research associate with Seagate Research and with Tyco Communications Laboratories in 2000 and 2001. Her research interests fall in the general areas of communications and networks, with a special focus on algorithm design. Her recent projects are in the areas of  coding and distributed algorithms for cooperative and relay networks, storage systems, and optical communications. Li is widely published in peer reviewed scientific journals and conferences. She  served in many technical program committees, served as an editor/associate-editor in IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications, IEEE Communications
Letters, and IEEE e-Journal of Tutorials and Surveys, and served six times as a symposium co-chair in international conferences including GLOBECOM 2006, ICC 2008, and ICC 2013. She is the recipient of the 2001 Ethel Ashworth-Tsutsui Memorial Award for Research from Texas A&M  University, the 2005 Rossin Endowed Assistant Professorship from
Lehigh University, the 2012 N.A.S.A. Glenn Faculty Fellowship and the 2012-2013 IEEE Distinguished Lecturer.